British Block 10th cent.
10 pt
Download British Block 10th cent.
Nume fisier : BritishBlockFlourish.ttf
Marime : 50.47 Kb
Licenta : Free
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Detalii font :
Autori | Rob Anderson |
Adaugat de : | webmaster |
Categorie : | Limba > Antice |
Data adaugarii : | 24 August 2004 |
Downloaduri : | 141 |
Vizite : | 5507 ori |
Descriere | This is an incomplete font, with just the miniscules completed. Extra characters were added to the capitals. This font was found in a book entitled "Medieval and Renaissance Alphabets". I converted it to a Windows True Type font with the method defined at this site and have made it available to the general public. The only string I am attaching is that you please mention me as the author of the font if you list it on your site, or you let me know how you use the font so I can admire your work! |