10 pt
Detalii font :
Autori | Andrew D. Taylor |
Adaugat de : | webmaster |
Categorie : | Limba > Antice |
Data adaugarii : | 24 August 2004 |
Downloaduri : | 188 |
Vizite : | 7079 ori |
Descriere | Agathodaimon (A gath o die mon), named after a mediaeval alchemist, is a TrueType font for the IBM (also available in Macintosh TrueType and Type 3 formats). Unlike the plethora of dingbat fonts, which display multi-permutations of floral arrangements, Agathodaimon boasts an entire upper and lowercase alphabet made from mediaeval chemical symbols (52 bold, yet simple designs). I have based the characters themselves on the calligraphy and work of Rudolf Koch, professor and key figure in the development of graphic arts in Germany circa 1930. |