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Angelic Regular Fuente, Download Angelic Regular .ttf truetype or .zip Free - FontIneed Test if works

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Angelic Regular


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Angelic Regular
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Nombre de archivo: ANGELIC.TTF

Tamano : 17.76 Kb

Tipo de licencia: Free

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Detalles de la Fuente:

AutoresDigital Type
Enviado porwebmaster
CategoríaLenguaje > Antigua
Fecha de publicación24 August 2004
Visitado5748 Tiempos
DescripcionAngelic is a script that dates back to the 12th century and was used by magicians for encrypting their 'books of shadows' or grimoires. It is similar but not identical to other scripts such as 'Melachim' and 'Passing the River'. [The Author] used the specimen given in the Francis Barrett book 'The Magus' as a model for the design and only a few liberties have been taken with its alphabetic order or design. 'The Magus' is readily available for inspection should the more curious wish to compare my design with his.



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