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Descargar Hebrew


Nombre de archivo: Hebrew-BenEzra02.ttf

Tamano : 18.23 Kb

Tipo de licencia: Free

19% likes

Detalles de la Fuente:

AutoresAlan D. Ingalls
Enviado porwebmaster
CategoríaLenguaje > European
Fecha de publicación31 July 2004
Visitado14275 Tiempos
Descripcion Semitic language used in Israel principally by Jews. Hebrew is categorized as a part of the Canaanite group of the Semitic languages, to which also the ancient languages Phoenician and Moabite belonged. Hebrew comes from Egyptian "apiru", which was the designation used for class in the Egyptian society hiring themselves out for specific services. Hebrew of today is a spoken language that is based upon the written Hebrew from old Hebrew texts, and is the only colloquial speech in the world based on a written language.



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