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SL Zodiac Icons


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SL Zodiac Icons
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Download SL Zodiac Icons


File name : SL Zodiac Icons.ttf

Size : 22.23 Kb

Licence type: Free

10% likes

Font details:

AuthorSu Lucas
Added bywebmaster
CategoryDingbats > Esoteric
Date added16 August 2004
Visited5333 times
DescriptionThis font is free for personal, non-commercial use only. Contact me for any information on commercial use. If this font is redistributed, please give me credit, and provide a link to my webpage. Please don't distribute this without this read-me file, or offer it on a CD for commercial purposes without contacting me first. Enjoy the font! Su Lucas Website: http://www.sulucas.com e-mail: su@sulucas.com



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