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Playing Cards


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Playing Cards
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File name : CARDS.TTF

Size : 41.57 Kb

Licence type: Free

15% likes

Font details:

AuthorRyan Neaveill
Added bywebmaster
CategoryTechnical > Various
Date added11 August 2004
Visited7008 times
DescriptionThank you for trying Playing Cards truetype font. This is shareware. If you find this font useful and have used it for 30 days, please print and fill out this form, enclose $2.00 and mail to the address below. Your shareware fee will help send me to school and enable me to create more fonts for your enjoyment and benefit. You may copy cards.ttf to give to other people or to upload to other websites provided this accompanying cards.txt file is included. Please send $2.00 to: Ryan Neaveill PO Box 3662 Champaign, IL 61826-3662 Thank you, Ryan Neaveill email: ryan.neaveill@att.net Name______________________________________________ Address___________________________________________ City__________________ State_____ Zip___________ Country___________________________________________ Where did you get this font?______________________ __________________________________________________



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