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Download Kathleenie


File name : Kkfont.ttf

Size : 48.19 Kb

Licence type: Free

17% likes

Font details:

AuthorKathleen Kerr
Added bywebmaster
CategoryScript > Casual
Date added07 August 2004
Visited3469 times
DescriptionROBOTIC ATTACK FONTS... Typefaces by John Martz. http://www.sentex.net/~jmartz/attack/ e-mail jmartz@sentex.net "KATHLEENIEFONT" KathleenieFont is copyright © 1997 Kathleen Kerr, Robotic Attack Fonts and John Martz This is what Kathleenie has to say about her font: This here is my groovy, rawkin' font, so if you really, really, like it then by all means SEND ME MOOLAH!! But if you feel like blackmailing me, I'll kick yer butt! This font is FREEWARE. You are free to use this font as you please for non-commercial uses. If you plan on making any money using this font, printing anything with it, or anything like that, please contact me. jmartz@sentex.net John Martz 200 Melrose Avenue Kitchener, Ontario CANADA N2H 2C1



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