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Dateiname : KARON___.TTF

Size : 14.59 Kb

Lizenztyp: Free

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Schriftart Infos:

AutorUli Kozok
Eingestellt vomwebmaster
KategorieSprache > Asiatisch
Datum zugegeben03 August 2004
Besuche5636 mal
BeschreibungThe Batak alphabet, or surat batak, is descended ultimately from the from Brahmi script of ancient India by way of the Pallava and Old Kawi scripts. The Batak languages of northern Sumatra - Karo Batak, Toba Batak, Dairi Batak, Simalungun/Timur, Angkola and Mandailing Batak, and occasionally Malay. In most Batak communities, only the datu (priests) are able to read and write the Batak alphabet and they use it mainly for calendars and magical texts.



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