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Mycenaean Schriftarten, Download Mycenaean .ttf truetype or .zip Frei - FontIneed Test if works




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Dateiname : LINEAR_B.TTF

Size : 34.1 Kb

Lizenztyp: Free

10% likes

Schriftart Infos:

AutorCurtis Clark
Eingestellt vomwebmaster
KategorieSprache > Alte
Datum zugegeben26 July 2004
Besuche5859 mal
BeschreibungThe font's real name is Linear B. Mycenaean (ancient Greek) syllabary, derived from Minoan Linear A. Inscriptions are sometimes found at Mycenaean sites written in Linear B. Linear B is a syllabary (rather than an alphabet), in which each sign stands for a complete syllable, either a vowel or a consonant plus a vowel. Linear B evidently represents a borrowing from the Minoan civilization of Crete, which was written in a syllabary called Linear A. The Minoan language is unknown and the Linear A inscriptions untranslated, although there is enough similarity between Linear A and Linear B that some of the syllabic values can be inferred.



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