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MIB2 Schriftarten, Download MIB2 .ttf truetype or .zip Frei - FontIneed Test if works




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herunterladen MIB2


Dateiname : MIB2.ttf

Size : 99.04 Kb

Lizenztyp: Free

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Schriftart Infos:

AutorDaniel U. Thibault
Eingestellt vomUrhixidur
KategorieAndere > Nicht klassifiziert
Datum zugegeben01 September 2007
Besuche3608 mal
BeschreibungMIB2 2002 1.00 A freeware alien font based on that used by Burger King for its Men In Black II promotion. I haven't seen the movie yet as I write this, but I could not find any trace of the glyphs on the official web site (including the trailers). I'm pretty sure the font was Burger King's idea. Each of the BK toys comes with a "decoder", so the characters A..Z are "canon". BK's web site uses the glyphs in its Flash animations; an extra characters appears, which I've mapped to the hyphen. The glyphs vary somewhat in appearance between the BK Flash animations and the toy decoder; in any case I've standardised the sub-glyphs used in the font (albeit with varying rotations) so the glyphs are again a little different. Glyphs a..z are mirror images of A..Z. The digits, accented characters, punctuation, etc. are my invention.



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